the focus here is:
Your Career
Bridge the gap between study and practice.
Achieve employment, promotion or registration sooner, with more confidence and impact.
Ignite and retain your passion and purpose along the way.
Bridge the gap between study and practice.
Achieve employment, promotion or registration sooner, with more confidence and impact.
Ignite and retain your passion and purpose along the way.
You can make your first job less daunting, and more rewarding.
Even if you were at the top of your design studio class, it’s still normal to feel completely daunted by the prospect of finding, starting, and progressing in your first architecture job. I’m here to help bridge the gap between university and practice by providing resources to help you find your feet and fast-track the first five years of your career. Importantly, I want you to ignite and retain your passion and purpose along the way.
I remember what it’s like.
Most architects hit the industry and never look back. They quickly forget how hard it is for students and graduates starting out. It’s such a steep learning curve, often with little support and potentially in an unrewarding job. Sadly, there’s often a ‘right of passage’ attitude towards struggle. I don’t think it needs to be like that. I want to be the mentor and create the resources I wish I’d had a young aspiring architect and help students become empowered and passionate practising architects quicker.
101 Things I Didn’t Learn in Architecture School; And wish I’d known before my first job.
This book is an easily digestible guide to architecture practice, construction basics and professional development tips.
It has been placed on the reading list at several universities in Australia and features in the welcome pack of numerous architecture practices.
Portfolio and Resume Preparation Workbook
Job Interview Preparation Workbook
These digital downloads provide step-by-step guidance and tips for success for job-seeking young architects.
The Career Momentum Course
Sorry! The Course is not currently taking new members.
Watch this space as it may reopen, pop up on another forum or in a different format.
Your Mentor
Sarah Lebner registered 18 months after graduation, and quickly rose to the position of Principal Architect at multidisciplinary firm, Light House Architecture and Science.
She recently launched her own dream practice, Cooee Architecture, focusing on low-carbon regional homes.
In 2020 she was the recipient of the Australian Institute of Architect’s National Emerging Architect Prize.
Visit Cooee Architecture or view Awards
See Sarah’s Be The Change video below.
I wish I had it available 12 years ago when I arrived in Australia - it's not only straight to the point answering dozens of questions I had, but also a guide to where to find more information.”
- Luiz, Brazillian-Australian Architect